Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Refined Concept for Miniature Piece

Early one morning our hero (henceforth known as "lego-man") ventured out from his village to find his sister who had disappeared from the village the night before. He searched all her normal hiding spots, but to no avail. In despair he returned to the village only to find that everyone in it had been slaughtered by an unknown foe. Forced to leave his home, lego-man ventures out into the great forest to seek out the forest god to return life to his village. On the journey he is faced with a ruthless world through which he fights his way, ever seeking the forest god. But one night in his sleep he is kidnapped by a couple of giants (army men) who take him back to their camp, where they hold him for the next mornings breakfast. While there he is found by his sister, who it followed the giants in hopes of stealing some of their food. With his sisters help he manages to escape the giants death grip under the blanket of darkness. Now running for their lives, both on the verge of death, lego-man leaves his sister in hiding to find some food. Out of exhaustion he passes out, but awakens to a bright light. He sees his sister, standing in front of him, with their father walking up beside her. Behind them sits the forest god, compassionately watching, the family reunion in the after life.

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