Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Assignment 2 write up

Ok, right off the bat I have to say that what started off as a seemingly easy assignment soon became the bane of my existence. I learned that it is very difficult to start a stop motion animation, use the camera for something else, have time to think about it, and then go back to the animation. It was frustrating as my original vision became more and more obscured. I lost motivation and eventually gave up on my original concept. Not, before much time and effort was wasted on little. I eventually worked on two or more animations before arriving at my final.

In essence this was purely experimental. I worked with manipulating images on a white board. I worked with showing the artist at times as the artist, at times as the manipulator; at times I even left the artist out entirely and let my art portray and evolve on its own.

I am not happy with this final piece as I arrived at a viable technique without arriving at an acceptable use there of. But with all the frustration that I endured I am happy to be turning in anything at all.

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